- for business reinvention
Business Reinvention
Change has Changed! We've permanently entered the VUCA era—marked by Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity. These conditions challenge everything! We need fresh thinking, new approaches, tools, and practices.
Reinvention is the modern approach to change. It's not about linear, bureaucratic methods but agile, inventive transformations. Backed by a globally recognized Reinvention Method, these skills are essential not just to survive but to thrive in today's world.
Business Reinvention is for those eager to embrace fresh ideas and succeed in continuous, customer-centered change. Discover both proven strategies and cutting-edge techniques in business reinvention here.
For every firm and organization, changing the old (C = Change) and creating the new (N = New) are the foundations for growth. How do you sustain this in a VUCA world?
The VUCA world imposes new demands on all customer aspects, from ways of thinking to methods of collaboration. How ready are you for this change?
Are you overwhelmed with meetings and virtual interactions, but lacking real progress in your changes? To thrive in the VUCA world, you need a strong connection to reality.
Advisor and Consulting
I offer short presentations and keynotes to introduce you to reinvention, as well as advice and consulting on the topic
Please, contact me!
Jarmo Markula
> 20 years, Knowledge Intensive Business Services (KIBS) Entrepreneur
> 5 years, business development for innovation projects
> 10 years UoH (Lis.Sc.), research and teaching in applied business
> 5 years in industry: commercialization, marketing and steering group member